Morgan CW3 Promotion Ceremony - Chief Warrant Officer 3 Promotion

Mr. Morgan could not have chosen a better place for his chief warrant officer three promotion ceremony! When I arrived at the location on Camp Henry he immediately told me how he had specifically picked the location and arranged the flags to include the best background for photos, how awesome is that!? I know my husband would not have thought that far ahead and he is married to a photographer!!

Mr. Morgan’s wife, Lena, messaged me the day before the ceremony and I am SO thankful that she did and that I was able to be there to celebrate with everyone underneath those big beautiful trees!

From Mr. Morgan getting a little choked up when he began to thank Lena for being there by his side, to the group hug he shared with his kids just before he was promoted, and adorable daughter Charlee assisting her Dad in cutting the cake, it was a sweet afternoon, to say the least!!


Location | Camp Henry

Custom Cookies | Cubby’s Sweets

Florist | Floswell


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